Nsandi login

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Already registered? ; NS&I number. Forgotten your NS&I number? ; Surname ; Password.


NS&I: National Savings & Investments | 100% Secure Saving

National Savings & Investments | 100% Secure Saving | NS&I

NS&I offers you 100% secure savings and investments, backed by HM Treasury. Premium Bonds, ISAs and … The way you log in to your account has changed.

NS&I offers you 100% secure savings and investments, backed by HM Treasury. Premium Bonds, ISAs and savings accounts. Start saving today.

Log in


Log in ; NS&I adviser number. Forgotten your NS&I adviser number? ; Surname.


Help logging in | Help | NS&I

You need your NS&I number to be able to log into your NS&I account online. It …

Find out how to resolve common log in problems so that you can continue to manage your savings online.

Premium Bonds Prize Checker | Check if you have won

Premium Bonds Prize Checker | Check if you have won | NS&I

Ready to see if you have won a prize? Enter your holder’s number to check if …

Ready to see if you have won a prize? Enter your holder’s number to check if you’ve won in this month’s Premium Bonds draw. Good luck!

Our contact details | Get in touch with us

Our contact details | Get in touch with us | NS&I

Two-factor authentication help · Your Premium Bonds prizes · Managing your …

Choose the most convenient way of contacting us. Visit our site for more information.

Premium Bonds | Our savings Accounts

Premium Bonds | Our savings Accounts | NS&I

What are the odds of winning? 24,000 to 1 (for every £1 Bond); What’s the …

Buy Premium Bonds for yourself or a child under 16: easy access and a chance to win tax-free prizes in our monthly prize draw. Visit our site for more details.

Our saving products | National Savings & Investments | NS&I

Saving starts here! All of your money is 100% safe with us as we’re backed …

Saving starts here! All of your money is 100% safe with us as we’re backed by HM Treasury. Take a look and compare the ways to save together with NS&I.

Register for our online and phone service

Register for our online and phone service | NS&I

Welcome! We can’t wait to meet you. You can manage most NS&I accounts easily …

Take a few minutes to register and you’ll be able to securely manage your account and investments with us. Any time, day or night.

Downloads and forms | Forms for your accounts

Downloads and forms | Forms for your accounts | NS&I

Easily find, download and print forms and documents for Premium Bonds, …

Easily find, download and print forms and documents for Premium Bonds, other accounts and your details. Click here for more information.

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